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| No comments2015年12月27日,新加坡地铁滨海市区线第二阶段正式通车,连接西北部的武吉班让到市中心。来看看新的新加坡地铁地图以及首末班车时刻表吧。
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| No commentsIf you have a property that you want to put up for rent, it is wise to consider ways to get the most out of it. You have every opportunity to do so, if you are aware of what tenants like and what they are after. Investing resources and effort is going to find you tenants in no time.
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| No commentsWith the holidays approaching fast, you must get your home ready for the festivities and celebrations. Here is a list of chores you need to look into before the holidays arrive.
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| No commentsWhen it comes to moving into a new home, it is important to make a list of tasks that require your immediate attention. Apart from arranging your items and doing regular house cleaning chores, you need to pay heed to a number of tasks described here.
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| No commentsThe holidays have made their grand arrival, the cold weather is approaching (albeit in the guise of sporadic bouts of rain), and the decorations are up at all our favourite malls – but if you’re still scratching your head over how you can get into the Christmas mood – Nestia will now present to you this season’s Christmas bucket list in Singapore!
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| No comments在狮城新加坡租房多少钱?这是所有要在新加坡租房的人最关心的问题。我们对新加坡组屋,公寓及房间出租的价钱做具体的分析,从而使大家对新加坡租房价格有个整体的认识。
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| No commentsDesperate to rent out your room in Singapore? Advertised on various portals but still receiving no responses? Even if you have taken a few photos, you can still try out these simple hacks to make your room look more desirable through mere pictures, and get rented out in a jiffy!
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| No comments克拉码头(Clarke Quay)是新加坡的一个著名景点。这里沿着新加坡河畔,每到晚上各个主题的夜店流光溢彩。河畔之夜2015是由中国和法国的艺术家共同打造以多彩人生为主题的大型灯饰艺术展。
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| No commentsBeing a young country that is slowly climbing its way up the international stage, Singapore takes pride in every achievement made, especially those inviting global recognition. Hence it was indeed groundbreaking when The Interlace, our very own condominium, beat 338 other projects from worldwide to clinch the top Building of the Year prize at the World Architecture Festival 2015.
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| No comments对于在新加坡求学的学子而言,租房是最基本的生活事宜。本篇介绍新加坡南洋理工大学,国立大学,管理大学以及科技设计大学的租房以及相关衣食住行的基本信息。